Marooned's Posts (7)

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Configure LEDs and beeper in Mission Planner

Hello community!

The beauty of open source is that if you don't like something, you can change it. So here I am showing you my last changes to both: Mission Planner and ArduCopter (in the future it could be moved to library to be used by all Ardu* projects).


Before I start I would like to gather all threads about the subject that encouraged me to make all those changes:

* U4eake's showleds, arming and low battery warning leds

* Copter LEDS with APM2?

* 3,2,1... Blink !!!

* Adding External LED Indicators and a Piezo Beeper for Arm and GPS Status

* GPS Fix external led

* Navigation Lights with digital RGB LEDs together with an APM 2.5

* LED stripe setup

* jD-IOBoard

So of course there is jD-IOBoard for $16.00 but we are in DIY community and as we can see in above threads many of us prefer simpler and much cheaper solution (like 8x Darlington for less than $1). So IOBoard is ready out of the box solution but there is still demand on some hacky stuff and this is to address that.


There are 2 main areas that the new tab is trying to cover:

1) beeper

2) LEDs

Of course one could attach other elements like relays to those pins but I'll stick to default version.


So LEDs part is nothing new (yet). It's just user interface to already existing LED_MODE variable that you can alter via Advanced parameters tab. Instead of calculating bitmask you can now use simple checkboxes. However, I introduced LED_STYLE variable (combobox) to allow me adding more fancy LED behavior leaving "Legacy" one as backward compatible with the current version. This is still work-in-progress.


The brand new stuff is beeper part. Currently the beeper is controlled by one bit in LED bitmask enabling or disabling its functionality. With my changes we now have BEEPER_MODE bitmask with 8 functions (I already have idea for 9th one - failsafe - but it will require 2 bytes for the bitfield so it's postponed for now). You can see those 8 features on the attached screen - should be self explanatory. Selecting beeper pin should be possible with incoming changes to the code - for now it's disabled and it's hardcoded as AN5.


Every feature has different beep pattern and I tried to keep them quick but recognizable. The code is no longer using delay() function which is very bad (freezing uC code is not what we want it such application).

The changes are still in my branch and we'll see if dev will merge it into trunk to be available for all. If you are willing to test it you will have to grab it from here and flash APM (tested only on APM2 so far) as it adds variables in EEPROM. New Mission Planner is also there.

In the future plans there are other LED styles allowing more flexible LED behaviors. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Hope you like it.

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As some of you might remember, I hit a tree on my first flight and broke a wing.

Thanks to Gorilla Glue and some carbon fiber reinforcements the Bixler is up and running. I put 3 small carbon rods to reinforce the wing.

After some flights I decided it's time to attach a GoPro to it.

I have this cheap mount from HobbyKing but I didn't want to mount my camera to it permanently so I used helmet strap provided with the camera. Works great!

And here is some footage from the flight together with other plane flying around.

For sure it feels much heavier with the camera and flight time on 2200mAh is not as great as I thought. Of course I could use less thrust and fly more delicate with more gliding but anyway it's a great fun.

I'm waiting for the time to try FPV - but that is not gonna happen in this year for sure.

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Bixler. The sad story of my maiden RC flight.

I've spent last couple of days preparing my Bixler. I did some mods listed here like reinforcing wing spar and fuselage with additional carbon fiber rods and changing prop to 6x4. Even my tail was detachable using similar trick.

Today was a nice weather to go and check what have I've learned in the simulator...It didn't go well (see video).

Stock servos were cheapo. One of them were buzzing from start with no stick movement. After first crash one of them worked only in one direction. Probably one tooth of the gear broke.

Servo rod's endings that hold horns were one-time. After opening (for changing the rods for better) both broke a bit leaving horizontal bolt going through the horn too short.

I'll have to find a way to fix that wing. Maybe a few small carbon fiber rods going through the wing? Also, polymer glue that was suggested on many Polish forums doesn't look for me good - it's very flexible and does not create a strong bond.

If you have any suggestion on how to fix that wing (and fuselage) to be strong and survive my future landing let me know.

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Fighting with the wind with quadrocopter.

After coming back from my honeymoon I finally found some time to get some real flights. 3 weeks ago I flew my copter for the first time but it was just a few minutes on a very low altitude in front of my block. Today I went to some open space. Unfortunately, the wind was very strong so learning changed into fighting with the wind. Still managed not to crash the copter and even attached GoPro to it :)

Here you have 4 exceprts from those flights.

Comparing with APM Planner need to ask what is the "Toy" mode not described on wiki?

Also, is it possible to make some sound (by using ESC/motors?) when arming/disarming? My LEDs are hard to see under the shield (anyway, are LEDs shows arming state? on wiki couldn't find that info) so some audio notification would be appreciated. Audio info on GPS fix will also help a lot. I'll check for some hack connecting the buzzer. Still a newbie here :)

Except "stabilize" mode I tried to use "loiter" and "alt hold" but probably due to the strong wind I had problems with having proper control over my copter. RTL was also fast drifting with the wind far over home location so had to switch to stabilize to recover the copter.

On next session I'll try "simple" and "super simple" modes. To bad they can't go paraller to check them without connecting to APM Planner to switch "SUPER_SIMPLE" param.

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radio: FlySky 9x flashed with Er9x
brain: APM2
esc: HobbyKing 30A
motors: EMP SERIES Outrunner Brushless Motor C2830 KV750
battery: Turnigy Nano-Tech 4Ah
frame: HobbyKing Q450


I had to reverse pitch in my radio as default settings caused copter flying backward with stick pushing outside of me.

Motors connected as stated here. Is it normal?

This link is listed for 6-pos switch for Er9x but actually here is a simpler way. I would recommend linking to that instead.

Also, on this page you have listed flight modes but they are outdated and I can't find some of them on MP. Also there is no description of some modes that can be set in current MissionPlanner. Would be good to update it as I can't guess what those modes do.

Anyway, it was my first experience with copters (and other rc flying vehicles) and even with this strong wind it was a pleasure to fly a bit :)

More to come!

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Euro 2012: restrictions for air traffic


Hi there.

2012 UEFA European Football Championship is almost here, 8 June – 1 July. Along with this many restrictions are coming.

Starting from 15th of May aerial restrictions will ban small air traffic including aero clubs, gliders, balloons and.. RC crafts. In the 50km circle from stadiums we won't be allowed to fly even small RC planes nor copters. Forget to record some cool videos from above (legally).

In Warsaw few more tactic places will be restricted.

Such requests came from organizers of the championship so locals must obey them.

Here you can find more details (if you know Polish ;-)

Interesting fact. Black Sheep team's final movie from San Francisco is mentioned in the article. Subtitle says: "Flight like the one from Black Sheep are out of the question".

Good that my copter is still a work-in-progress. My sadness won't be so big ;-)

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