I have an FX79, and I have flown it both in STABILIZE and AUTO.
However, I must say I have a lot of issues with the center of gravity.
The frame comes with foam markers that supposedly indicate the CG. On the ground the plane is balanced but…"
"Oh I see they are now called SERVOx_FUNCTION.BTW, please update the tutorial and the screenshots, and please add the following:"Please ensure to press the SAFETY SWITCH to enable the camera trigger". "
"I am surprised to see there are no RCx_FUNCTION parameters anymore. I assume you are simplifying the whole thing. So how can I configure the Camera Trigger settings?"
I know this is hard to answer, maybe even wrongly asked, but the point is to try to enlist and rank among all UAV components, which is more and less likely to fail.for example:for a hexacopter:1. frame structural stability2. lipo…
"Hi Ariel, can you please tell me more about the Hives? I am really interested because I am developing automation technologies for multirotors to increase mission persistence. Thanks"