I've a great problem (sorry...but my english is not so good...but i'll try it..).
When i'm connecting the rc-trnsmitter, the amber light is blinking/solid an nothing works...the motors won't start, i cant arm it, etc....what do i wrong??
''m trying to connect an rc-receiver and rc-transmitter to the ardupilot unit...i've connected it to the input on the ardupilot..but there's no signal at the output-unit on the ardupilot...no servo is working.
At first: sorry for my bad english....but i'll try it...;)
I've an Ardupilot 2.6, telemtry kit, LiPo akku and an Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick. I've downloaded the latest Mission Planner Software (with new updates). I can connect my Ardupilot