


About Me:

Engineer with a passion for flying things

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Tri/Quad copters with FPV, so far.



Activity Feed

Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"@RogerCon You can get a Raspberry Pi camera with the M12 camera mount. There are some cheap M12 lenses also.
I have ordered this and some M12 lenses that are in deliverey:

Dec 19, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"Oh, seems like I was not the first one with this idea..
Dec 18, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"@Dan I never tried the C920. Good point about bandwidth limitation on USB2, will look into that. I actually just renembered that I have a PS3 Eye somewhere, that will do 187 fps, but only at a crummy 320x240. But might be good for benchmarking."
Dec 18, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"@bocorps AFAIK the C920 only does 720p@30 fps, if latency is the game, fps matter :-) The joker is if it is possible to encode on the Odroid, perhaps can even be done without specific hardware, just with x264 encoder with the zerolatency flags, but…"
Dec 17, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"I kinda like the idea of a separate flight controller, to do RTH in case something breaks. Perhaps just have the RPi or similar talk over serial or evrm USB with the flight controller. I like the Sparky, if I didn't already own a couple of CC3Ds I…"
Dec 16, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"Sorry no, considering trying the Odroid C1, and a 60fps 720p USB cam. But should probably get flying with the RPi first.. http://hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php
Dec 16, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"@Patrick those helical antennas look nice, and very DIY friendly. I might give that a go!"
Dec 12, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"@Patrick the Ubiquiti equipment seems really nice, and I might end up with it, but I will try and hit the wall with normal WiFi first.
For you requirements it could perhaps be great to use a parabolic dish from satellite TV as a WiFi extender. It's…"
Dec 11, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"@Patrick yeah, so far it is the raspberry camera module and gstreamer. I will be trying the WR703N as an alternative to the raspberry, it has built in WiFi, and serial console but need a USB camera. I have seen the Logitech C920 has an onboard h264…"
Dec 11, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"I'm not certain 802.11ac us the way to go yet. It will be, but drivers seem to be missing.."
Dec 11, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"My goal is FPV racing on 250 mm on quads, so range is not as critical... We are 4 friends, and I hope we can have 4 quads flying on the same WiFi router, and just connect laptops to it with lan. It can be that this is not doable, but I will test it…"
Dec 11, 2014
Michael K commented on Patrick Duffy's blog post Part 2: How to build a High-Definition FPV UAV using a Rasperry PI with HD camera, using a high speed WiFi link
"I'm also on the quest to get HD FPV with the RPi on my quadcopter.
@bocorps: The wifi seems to be a RT5572 chipset based, I found this, which states they can only get 2.4 GHz…"
Dec 11, 2014