




Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

FPV with an ardupilot as a flight stabilizer and telemetry



Activity Feed

Mike Gregory replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
"sorry i am not using this project, just following it for now. Will use it as a start for another project i have in mind."
Apr 25, 2014
Mike Gregory replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
" Teensy"
Apr 25, 2014
Mike Gregory commented on Paul Stoffregen's blog post High-Res Multiple PPM Signal Library on Teensy 3.1
"I added a 6 push button mode switch for Ardupilot and the 6 timings are exactly as programed. Very impressed"
Mar 31, 2014
Mike Gregory commented on Paul Stoffregen's blog post High-Res Multiple PPM Signal Library on Teensy 3.1
"i have used this library to have 2 input streams and strip out the required channels mix them together and add some on board switches then output the lot on another stream.
Works very well and thanks to the library the sketch is extremely trivial. I…"
Mar 24, 2014
Mike Gregory commented on Paul Stoffregen's blog post High-Res Multiple PPM Signal Library on Teensy 3.1
"It works.  Seems like forever before my Teensy arrived, cobbled a quick test together mixing 2 x 8 channel streams"
Mar 22, 2014
Mike Gregory replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
Mar 9, 2014
Mike Gregory replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
"have a look at his code i think you will be surprised.
Quote from him
PulsePosition is designed for 0.02 µs accuracy (approx 24X better than most Arduino implementations using AVR Timer1) with tolerance for significant interrupt latency caused by…"
Mar 7, 2014
Mike Gregory replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
How are you progressing with the CPPM output.
I started a thread over at Teensy forum asking about decoding and encoding PPM streams. Paul Stoffregen jumped in and has started a library to do just that. Maybe just what you want to get that part…"
Mar 7, 2014
Mike Gregory replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
"The LCD display was my first thought when i saw this but i am thinking a display like the 4D Systems 3.2" 320 x 240.
The use would be for a working scale Primary Flight Display. Look super good from a FPV cam.…"
Mar 6, 2014