You guys have been incredibly helpful so far and I greatly appreciate it. After flying about 15 or so light missions and 1 decent crash, I've rebuilt and made some adjustments and have a couple of questions that I just can't seem to find expert answe
You guys have been incredibly helpful so far and I greatly appreciate it. After flying about 15 or so light missions and 1 decent crash, I've rebuilt and made some adjustments and have a couple of questions that I just can't seem to find expert answe
Interesting situation today. 2 Quads fell out of the sky by throttle cut. Earlier this morning, a buddy of mine with a Phantom 3 took off, got to about 70 feet, the throttle cut 100% and it fell from the sky doing about $500 worth of damage. I have
I had telemetry working smoothly with Windows 8.1 and last night I did the upgrade to Windows 10. I now get a "No Heartbeat" timeout when trying to connect. The GS radio and the quad radio link up perfectly fine. I also do see the computer pushing pa