I hope you are fine. i am a student and i want to know that does APM autopilot support the return to home capability for a helicopter as well ? or some one can suggest me a cheap autopilot for this purpose. i shall be highl
I am using the APM2.5 board , and i am trying to build a quadcopter, and i am trying to run the MPU6000's code in an arduino project to understand the code , but i am not able to run the code a mean to compile the code actually , then i have to
I am using the APM2.5 board , and i am trying to run the MPU6000's code in an arduino project , some one can sujest me how can i use this code in my any project ,
i have tried to do it , but the code does not compile and say
I am totally new to Quadcopters, i am working on a project to build this , I am using HobbyWing SkyWalker 40A esc ST2212 brushless motor and a 2200mAh 20C lipo battery, i have purchased the APM 2.5 kit ,