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Nick commented on jaron's blog post SimpleSerialization - serial communication for the Arduino/ArduPilot
"The other edit i forgot  above was to change
#include "WProgram.h"

#include "Arduino.h"

at the top of the c++ header file SimpleSerialization.h ."
Feb 4, 2013
Nick commented on jaron's blog post SimpleSerialization - serial communication for the Arduino/ArduPilot
"PS, if you are using OS X/Linux or similar, you will also need to set the correct serial port in the processing example sketches. eg
String serialPort = Serial.list()[0];

instead of
String serialPort = "COM4";

Feb 3, 2013
Nick commented on jaron's blog post SimpleSerialization - serial communication for the Arduino/ArduPilot
I recently got SimpleSerialization working with the current Arduino1.0.1 .
I found I needed to edit the file SimpleSerialization.cpp at two places :
(i) near the top of the file I commented out the lines
void* operator new(size_t size) { return…"
Feb 3, 2013
Nick replied to Peter's discussion Would Mission planner run on Android tablet?
"In principle, if you root the android tablet, and install Linux. Then you would be able to install Mono, to support .Net apps _If_ that works, then you would be able to install Mission Planner.
There are several free apps on Googleplay that help you…"
Jan 26, 2013
Nick replied to Dale's discussion ArduPilotMega / Flightgear simulation on Linux
"Hi all,
A few months have gone by since the last post, so I'd like to ask if anyone has succeeded in getting later versions of APM-Planner and FlightGear working together ?
Oct 27, 2011