"PS, if you are using OS X/Linux or similar, you will also need to set the correct serial port in the processing example sketches. eg
String serialPort = Serial.list()[0];
I recently got SimpleSerialization working with the current Arduino1.0.1 .
I found I needed to edit the file SimpleSerialization.cpp at two places :
(i) near the top of the file I commented out the lines
void* operator new(size_t size) { return…"
"In principle, if you root the android tablet, and install Linux. Then you would be able to install Mono, to support .Net apps _If_ that works, then you would be able to install Mission Planner.
There are several free apps on Googleplay that help you…"
"Hi all,
A few months have gone by since the last post, so I'd like to ask if anyone has succeeded in getting later versions of APM-Planner and FlightGear working together ?