Bannockburn, Victoria
About Me:
Originally started aero-modelling in the early sixties - 1960's and not 1860's. I may be a bit old but NOT that old. Competed with free-models A1 gliders and contest-power. Involved with the defence forces and getting married, dropped out for a while only to start up again in the eighties. Started a local club - which to this day is till up and running. Moved to another club (because people thought I “owned” the club and therefore would not do anything without my endorsement. Result was I was appointed CFI at the new club once people got to know me and saw how I flew. Dropped out again whilst I took up flying the "real thing". Now, with a chronic back problem, it's back to RC starting with Helicopters and now Quads. Still do a bit of fixed wings stuff. Background in IT (40 years!) - and still developing, building and coding. Also involved in Amateur radio hence the call-sign.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
Having been involved in micro-controllers the past few years and lo longer flying my own 'plane, decided to extend the grey-matter and exercise my hand-eye co-ordination into "smart flying". Bought myself a (WL Toys) Cyclone (+ camera)quad to see what it was like. Loved it just for the pure joy of flying. The Cyclone is a TOY - but a relatively cheap way of being introduced to the start UAV world. Currently building a HK 470 using the MultiWii Pro. Short-term objectives include getting a sound knowledge-base on the nuances of the TGY 9X and the UAV/multi-rotor jargon.
Bannockburn, Victoria, Australia