Working on my copter i accidentally plugged the external USB into the I2C splitterboard.
Then went to get a log. I've changed it back to the usb connection on the pixhawk, but i can only seem to now get logs direct from the pixhawk's usb not the exte
Was flying really well, then on completing nearing what i think would be the land command, it starts to oscillate really really badly. Copter was flying very well in stabilize, alt hold and loiter
Is it normal in Loiter mode that if you are flying along at mid speed and release the sticks back to centre the copter will level out but it takes a while to slow down around 10-15m. Is this normal, i presumed it was just pushing a way point
Im having an issue with a mid sized frame X8 configuration.
It will at random start to do a 45 degree roll oscillation which even when switching back from loiter to alt hold to stability mode continues. Becoming difficult to fly and even land