I want to share my experience with 3d modelling an archaeological structure called "Midas Monument" located at Yazılıkaya, Turkey. It was relatively an easy task, if you have right hardware and software. And I want to thank to dronmarket.com for the encouragement and give-away a RTF drone.
I started with taking photographs, of course your Images need to be processed with GPS data on Images' EXIF. About 9 min. flight allowed me to take 180 photos at interval of every 3 seconds. It was a free flight, not an autonomous, I knew the basic rules, so I tried to keep focusing on structure and flying in circle. You can find basic information on Ardupilot's Wiki
As I mentioned taking 180 photos took 9 mins. Then I went to home to process the Images, Pix4D was my first try.
It analyzes all the Images and creates point cloud.
Using Pix4D feels like using other CAD programs, its relatively easy.
Proccessing took 8 hours on my computer, its a Dual Core PC with an old ATI graphics card. Pix4D also offers cloud rendering which is nice if you have an old computer like mine.
Finaly, texture is added and now we can render a HD video. We need to add camera positions.
This is the rendered video.
And this is Sketchfab model which I exported from reCap360.
Images from AutoDesk reCap360, completely cloud rendered but limited to 50 photos if you don't have a subscription.