"This is the problem I have (the same as Randy in an early version):
Randy's answer: "It's an aerodynamic effect on the barometer so I think more foam may help. Another option is the increase the INAV_TC_Z as high as 7.0. Please note though that…"
"I have my quad very very stable in stabalize mode; so I went to try Alt Hold mode... To get an stable alt, I have to rise the "Altitude Hold" param from 1 to 4.5 ; and to avoid overshothing I have to lower the "Throttle Rat" param from 6 to 0.8…"
"I'm tuning "Alt Hold" mode... First to maintain enough altitude well I had to raise the parameter "Altitude Hold" from 1 to 4.5 is not that much but at that value goes well, the only thing I found strange is that when you turn the Yaw to either side…"
"I understand the bit table, but I don't understand how to map to the output pins... I use a buzzer in A5 for the arm/disarm; also I want to use this buzzer to beep when the low batt V is reached; is that possible? How? Thanls.-"
"Hi; i'm Pablo from Argentina...I just made my first flight with my quad shaped TBS (clone) and version 3.0.1, and I encounter the following problem. When I leave in a fixed position, a few moments are rotated 45 degrees to the right and then keep…"