



Brooklyn, NY

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Parth kumar commented on Doug Weibel's blog post Ublox operating, but won't get a fix - driving me crazy
"Hi Jordi,
I checked today. It hasnt been mailed out yet. It's still sitting in the school's mailroom. It'll probably go out tommorow. I'll send you an email and als put in a copy of your email tha you had sent with the address etc for you to verify."
Feb 25, 2010
Parth kumar commented on Doug Weibel's blog post Ublox operating, but won't get a fix - driving me crazy
"It was never mounted on the plane. The first time it fell from my hands...so i bough a new one. The New one just mysteriously died. I have shipped the old one back to you as you had recommended. I've included the mount with it, for your inspection."
Feb 24, 2010
Parth kumar commented on Doug Weibel's blog post Ublox operating, but won't get a fix - driving me crazy
"Hi Jordi
Yes the GPS was bought from you. How do i send it back? I actually lost the shipping address. Can you send me details?"
Feb 18, 2010
Parth kumar commented on Doug Weibel's blog post Ublox operating, but won't get a fix - driving me crazy
"I tried everything under the sun. The antenna doesnt seem to be loose or broken...yet no satellites.
I've had 2 Ublox's and both lasted only a week, before mysteriously dying out. The first one just couldnt handle the vibration of a gas engine..and…"
Feb 18, 2010
Parth kumar posted a discussion
Hi,I'm having a lot of trouble with my second Ublox. Very similar to the first one i had.I've hooked up everything correctly...the module worked flawlessy for 1 week, and then mysteriously stopped, just like the first one.So..the issue is, that the…
Feb 16, 2010