"Update: the root cause for the problem has been found!
One of the four ESCs was broken and really nasty way: in that specific ESC there is a small segment of the control area (about 60..70% of the power) where the motor still spins but is just more…"
"Thanks for your input, that was really a good one!The magnetometer anomaly is a good finding in this case. However, what makes such measurement to become unpredictable? But still, when flying with stabilize mode... I am really disapointed that I…"
Greetings all ardumates, I am almost loosing my faith for my quadcopter! :(The basic quad installation has been providing me plenty of joy during the past months. I counted that there have been dozens of succesful missions and in calm and quiet…
"I think this is a good idea - not to burn the telemetry information into the picture send by the flying device, but rather compose the image attributes in the ground station. Just wondering, many of us are using a spare laptop as a ground station,…"