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Richard Postma replied to Rolf Blomgren's discussion APM MavLink to FrSky X8R S.Port converter
"Hi guys, just about to implement this myself. I will be putting together the resistor  network tonight for cell monitoring. I didn't have exactly the right resistors so calced new values for the teensy program, the divisor numbers.

not sure if it…"
Aug 21, 2015
Richard Postma replied to amirhossein eshtiaghi's discussion LiPo battery issues in ArduCopter User Group
Ok, just thought I would share an update on my recently purchased Zippy Flightmax 4200mah 4S LiFePo4 cells.

I estimated about 8mins flight time with these but in reality managed to get a little more. The flights were done in Loiter, moving…"
Aug 17, 2015
Richard Postma replied to amirhossein eshtiaghi's discussion LiPo battery issues in ArduCopter User Group
"Li-Ion, Li-Po, LiFePo4... all lithium ion of sorts
Interesting subject, battery tech is the first and foremost issue surrounding further commercial development of a lot of things, be it drones, internet of things or just your average smart device.…"
Aug 14, 2015