Rob_Lefebvre's Discussions (51)

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Why not twin engine?

Just wondering why very few people are using a twin-engine design for a drone airplane?  Seems to me that it would be nice to have some redundancy to be able to RTL if a motor goes out.  Don't you risk losing the aircraft if your only motor dies and

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What do YOU want to see in the Wiki?

I have been granted access to update the wiki for Arducopter, and I hope to take this on and really fill out the Wiki so that it truly is an operating manual for the system which beginners can use.  My goal is that we never need to see the same quest

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1.0.89 Won't Connect

I was previously working with 1.0.82, and all was fine.  Downloaded 1.0.89 and put it on two machines.  A WinXP desktop, and Win7 netbook.  Neither one connects to the APM anymore in either terminal or GUI mode in APMP.  They just time out, ask if th

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