



Auburn, CA

About Me:

Professional photographer, amateur quad pilot

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I shoot primarily extreme sports, so I fly a 'LIFTOFFUAV' water-tight frame...



Activity Feed

Sean Sulli replied to Sean Sulli's discussion Quad flips over on take off - Have checked all suggested options...
"Ok everyone, I sorted this out thanks to a guy named Brian who runs Advanced-UAV near Sacramento California... the solution??? >>>>  I had ESC 3 and 4 reversed going into the naza...  so ESC 4 was going into slot M3, and ESC 3 was going into M4... I…"
Oct 31, 2014
Sean Sulli posted a discussion
Hello all ... I understand this has been discussed numerous times here, but I have methodically addressed all the suggestions I can find online and nothing is working.  So I am reaching out to you all for some help...So... My quad copter is flipping…
Oct 31, 2014