"the actual tagging engine works very well. Now that I have it working I tagged over 3000 photos last night with it.
I have cam and gps enabled in logs
I have to look at the log file in the terminal window with "browse log" first. There I look for…"
"it actually looks like the latest version of Ardupilot acts differently than the older version (logs are different)
My older firmware is logging with the altitude out of position and my newer firmware is loggin with the lat long out of position...…"
"Hi Michael, From what I can see the geotag program wants column 7,8,9 in order to geotag. 7=latitude 8=longitude 9= altitude (should be gps altitude not relative to take off)
Now which one is wrong? the geotag or the log? I am using data flash logs…"
"well now with the latest mission planner it seems they have corrected the lat and long, but altitude is taken from the wrong column... sigh. No mention of it on any forum.... very annoying after I geotagg a few thousand photos and realize they made…"
"Thanks Milz, I will give it a shot. Do you find that you have to truncate the start of your logs too?
Geotagging from log files working perfectly using the above fixes. "
"Hi guys there are a number of issues with the tagging but I think I have it solved now.
1) the log start time is long before the actual log start time. Confusing the time adjustment compltely. All my log start times are showing up as the day before…"
"again still trying, is there some place to get support on these issues?
I synced my camera perfectly with my gps in the field. the offset should be zero. But it gives some strange number
Same story if I input the estimated offeset it finds one…"
"still trying here, I can see in the mission planner under flight data tab then under data flash logs there is a button to create kml and gpx.
This brings me to browse for my log file... which I do and then when I select it... nothing happens.…"
"next issue... we are missing the camera trigger over specified distance...like in the arduplane..
or am I missing something?
this is a must have feature for any sort of mapping.
"Hi all, I have two questions...
1) with the "hit Rad" set to "0" the copter does a chicken dance trying to find it's spot on about half the points... it's quite dangerous looking. I set the hit rad up to 30 and all is good. I don't want to type in…"
"interesting guys, I have a large octo on 3.0.1 and the other day it too took a very large leap towards me, I quickly switched back to stabilize mode and had control. This was scary, I will dig up the log if I can..."