"On APM2.5 and arducopter 3.2.1 Traditional Helicopter firmware.
From this period of last year, it's ending in crash my nex e6. I have funny and success with Arduplane.
Just few day ago I try to solve collective reverse problem and modify 1 line of…"
"I'm install Arduplane 3.3.0 on APM 2.5&2.6 and found that it's must plug GPS&Compass. If not, it's has two BLUE Led Blink and one YELLO Blink and can't connect. I'm try another FW Version (prev & early) it can start up and connect.
"This is my nex e6 pid at last before it's transform to rocket and hard landing. i'm not tuning I and D value and never tuning to reach Oscillation point in P value. i found that tail servo get more temperature than ever, tune Rate Yaw P and I lower.…"
Hello, I'm try to setup my Nex e6 550 FBL with apm 2.5. Already follow step by step on copter ardupilot (Traditional heli) wiki. It's almost complete, except my collective pitch. it's reverse. When i try to collective up, main blade is respond by…