User group for those flying ArduCopter on traditional helicopter platforms
Trex450 with pixhawk miniVbar and RPM sensor.
HelloSeems that traditional heli is fadding off .... I'm trying to check the latest ardupilot traditional heli setup on trex450, in order to later scale up to 550 and 700 helis.i'm puzzeled about using the miniVbar flybarless controler with the pixhawk. i have the pixhawk commanding the FPL controller via SBUS, and lacking the traditional throttle HOLD function.Started with flyber system, and had all work as requested, but on the FBL the throttle comand is working all time, even if the fixhawk…
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Pixhawk2.4.8 Ver4.4.0
GPS hovering.
Vortex 700 UAS, by Sophisticated R/C
The Vortex 700 is designed around the Align Trex 700 Dominator mechanics, a proven, reliable helicopter.
The Vortex 700
Length: 53 in.
Height: 22 in.
Width: 8 in.
Main Rotor Diameter: 62 in
Empty Weight: 9 lbs.
Expected Flight endurance: 30-45 min
Range: 2 miles (C2 Link dependent)
Payload: 4 lbs
Auto Pilot: PixHawk from 3DR
Mission dependable payload options include but not limited to:
HD Stabilized video
High Resolution mapping camera
NiR mapping camera
IR/Thermal video
The Vortex Missions Capable for:
Law Enforcement Situational Awareness
Fire Rescue Situational Awareness
Search and Rescue
Precision Agriculture
Oil Pipeline
Power line
Wind Mill
Please contact Sophisticated R/C for more information......
450 size soon to come....
Will APM control a Gas Heli?
Looks like some of you are trying it.
Having issues arming by the Tx but no trouble arming with my laptop. any group thoughts. I have checked and double checked tx. direction and re calibrated RC. Channel 8 on and channel 8 off. no luck.
Hi, I am experimenting with the AC code and need some help pointing me to a correct library responsible for mixing pitch/roll/collective pitch into the 3 servo outputs for the swash plate? also, please excuse me if this is common knowledge is there a wiki of the ac code itself, i.e. libraries, control logic?
This is my Heli actualy flying (not autonomous)
I have been watching this project for the past few years. I am waiting for a stable release for my UAV platform.
Here is a pic from the manufacture, not sure where mine are.
@R_Lefebvre: Thanks Rob, as you said 10kg is much more reasonable, do you have some suggestion which heli frame I can use for this 10kg payload. we can use it to make trial first. how much could it cost ?
Nate, we need to talk. ;)
that Rotor Buzz... looks like a modified Yamaha RMax?