"I was looking for some coins in my home and could find any, then suddenly I rememebred that my son has a habbit of "storing" coins in the shoe cupboard. So I found some coins, and a 4GB SD card in with the shoes. So here is another photo with a UK…"
"Yes the wire is the thinest wire I could find as antenna. It can be even thinner than this. In tests, it has proved to work much better than a ceramic chip antenna. The grey portion is the back of the LiPo battery. This pic does not have a solar…"
"Hi Reto
The 30g bird behaviour is quite interesting. It is amazing how these birds can do so long migration. Some really good work has been done in the States by the Smithsonion Institute, where they attached BAS geolocators to song birds and…"
"Hi Morli, The GPS can be in two modes. In one mode it is always ON taking one data log per second. In other mode it is duty cycled to save power. I have setup the prototype tag on logging once every 30 seconds using 170mAH battery and no solar cell…"
"Hello Reto
This is the founder of E-shepherd Solutions. Due to your post, suddently my website got 40% more hits in two days:) As you would have seen my interest is in bird tracking, especially small birds, I do not have any idea of the nanoUAV…"