"I found out why now. There are multiple QuaternionToEuler() function out there with different conventions. The one I used happen to be using different coordinate system.
When I aligned all three sensors using right hand coordinate system, it works…"
I ran your program on another desktop to calibrate a magnetometer. The MagMaster works fine but MagViewer stuck after the Unity splash screen and froze as opposed to displaying xyz coordinate system.
The specs for two computers I have…"
I am able to read sensor data from MagMaster. However, MagViewer only displays xyz coordinate system but nothing happens. What Unity plugins do I need to install?
"Do you mean sensor outputs without swapping axis? It looks like
-gx, -gy, -gz, ay, ax, az, mx, -my, -mz
works. However, your quatToEuler() breaks when I use it with IMUUpdate(-gx,-gy,-gz,ax,ay,az).
Pitch and Roll won't go over 45deg.....
I am so…"
I'm wondering what conventions you are using when you feed into Madgwick's update function.
I use the right-hand coordinate system and x,y and z directions are consistent for all three sensors (acc,gyro,mag).
For some reason I need to feed…"
"The static error on accelerometer is +-0.02g, on gyro is +-0.4deg/s, on magetometer is +-0.01guass. My sampling rate is around 160HZ. Maybe it's too low? I checked Madgwick's paper and it looks like there is no big difference once the sampling rate…"
"Hi, I noticed the error builds up under continuous external vibrations(<0.3g) in either pitch or roll axis. The error is around 1 deg per second. Is there anyway to mitigate this? I tried to set beta to improve dynamic performance but"