"Just an FYI - https://github.com/tsimon57/I2CdevSPI
Tom said:
For the APM with the ATMEGA2560 also be sure the change it to use INT6 in the attach interrupt. It seems to compile just fine that way with the stock Arduino IDE.
"For the APM with the ATMEGA2560 also be sure the change it to use INT6 in the attach interrupt. It seems to compile just fine that way with the stock Arduino IDE.
// attachInterrupt(interrupt, function, mode) specifies a function to call when an…"
"I had the above problem as well when using the Mini APM 2.6.First be sure to change the select pin to 53 for the ATMEGA2560.
I found a post with the solution. The barometer uses port 40 as its CS. You have to set it to output and write it high to…"