Round two on flying the quad successfully failed. On the first flight with just easy flying, the quad starts wobbling all over the place until I force it down quickly. Now on run two after a complete flash of the firmware and re setup. During an auto
Ok so I've been doing some thinking as I build my long duration qaudcopter. Would I draw less power in forward flight if the quad was slightly front heavy instead balanced at the CG? Yes in a hover the front motors would work harder then the rear, bu
Hi, I am wondering if anyone out there has flown the 98" MQ-9 Reaper from nitroplanes. Looks awesome and I plane to have this as my FPV drone. There will be some mods like a better paint job and clear dome for camera. Anyway I want to know if this is
Hi There, I am getting started on my first FPV drone and still have little knowledge on the electronics. I have purchased the Dragonlink TX module for my Futaba 9CAP radio. I have also locked in on a purchase of a 2.4Ghz 1 watt video/audio TX and RX