I definitely need the two ESC’s connected which each provide 5V BEC power to the rail. I connect the RPi via USB which provides power too, but then have the 3DR connected to the PX4 so I can measure the…"
"I think you're right @OG! So a photo of the board wont really help because the wiring density and stacking of the electronics is very high: it's hard to see where and how things are connected. I have however created a much clearer wiring schematic…"
Hey everyone,It appears I have managed to kill my PX4, and I'm scratching my head as to why...The relevant parts of my setup include the following:- Two in-series 3S LiPo batteries connected to a 3DR Power Module- Power module connected to a PDB-…
Hello all,I'm very new to drone building, and have set myself a challenge of creating a twin motor fixed wing plane. I will be using two batteries, and as the title suggests, two motors and hence two ESCs. For this purpose I decided to purchase a…