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Activity Feed

Xon Xoff commented on Mike Binder's blog post BAT-SAFE for lipo charging
"My idea... Add option to attach duct work to vents so I can use this indoors, and if it goes poof, it vents gases through tubes out window."
Feb 24, 2016
Xon Xoff commented on Charles Blouin's blog post Estimate torque and efficiency from Kv
"THAT IS IT! Thanks! 1520 on the shopping list for a purchase down the road."
Feb 15, 2016
Xon Xoff commented on Charles Blouin's blog post Estimate torque and efficiency from Kv
"I am still blown away that no one has come up with a full blown motor/prop testing station on the cheap. I have an idea to take this:
Add a few parts, and have it run through…"
Feb 15, 2016
Xon Xoff commented on Patrick Coyle's blog post Mobius non-fish eye lens conversion
"Why not just keep the fisheye for now and try to flatten the image with post processing and calibration with OpenCV before uploading to MapKnitter?

One link for camera calibration...…"
Aug 3, 2015
Xon Xoff commented on Dave Giles's blog post Watch Homeowner Shoot Down a Drone Flying over His Property
"Completely fake. The drone has a <2mm aperture on the camera and the lens is out of the focal plane, i.e., you would never see cracks like that on a camera filming something (do a test yourself and put some dust on your cell phone camera and take a…"
Apr 16, 2015