What are some commercially available lightweight drones which can be programmed (Micro or nano size) with as many builds in sensors? I want to implement machine learning algorithms. Please suggest if there are drones under 250 USD.
I am trying to send throttle command with ROS node using mavros and publish messages to topic [mavros/rc/override] but I am not getting any response from drone in gazebo simulator.
I am trying to run the multi-vehicle simulation and I can see the active mavros node for each UAV. But when I open Qground control it does not detect the UAVs.
I tried to control multiple vehicles in simulation using Qgroundcontrol but It is limited to independent takeoff-land. I can not plan different missions, I can plan a mission for particular UAV. I want to follow independent waypoints. So I used ROS n
I want to control Multiple UAVs with Qgroundcontrol (similar to thissimulation) over wifi. For single drone control, I can connect my pc to the wifi of a drone but I can't change to select other UAVs in Qgroundcontrol as shown in that simulation. I
Which UAV platform (quadcopter) should I use to develop and implement outdoor decentralized swarm motion control algorithms? I need a customizable platform so that I can integrate other required hardware and software. By implementing swarm motion con