


About Me:

Student in Mechanic

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

- FPV aerotek Jpay - APM on F450



Activity Feed

Zenip posted a discussion
I'm not to able to raise up my quad in the air... It's like there is no power.It's my fourth apm 2.8 so i know this autopilot.Calibration :- accel => ok- compass => ok- esc => ok- radio => ok- THR_MAX is 1000 THR_MIN = 130When i armed the quad, the…
May 4, 2018
Zenip posted a discussion
Hi,Has anyone tried recording RPM measurements using an Eagle Tree Optical RPM Sensor ? For a project i need to mesure the RPM of my brushless motor.My code : // FREQUENCE INPUT PIN => pin 5 pr aduino uno#include <FreqCount.h>int RPM;int count;int…
Feb 22, 2016