If you've used the Arduino enough to understand its shortcomings, or perhaps even dared to mention them alloud, be cheered, the gods have heard your prayers - and yes Omilex has been making devboards and breakouts long enough to be a god. This new Arduino Clone from Omilex addresses (almost) all of the complaints raised here and at Hackaday etc.. of the Arduino: with a host of pretty clever, if not always novel solutions. I'll count down the top 10 complaints again with fixes provided by the engineers at Omilex.
#10. Accidental resets - Re-introduce the Atmel recommended noise suppression - check.
#9. Analog sucks - Separate regulator for Analog, optional Vref for even more precision - check.
#8. Shields cover reset switch - move switch - check.
#7. Shields short out on USB connector - use mini usb check.
#6. Pin layout is Random - new set of .1 centered pins - check.
#5. Frequency dependencies - provide replaceable crystal - check
#5. Linear regulators suck - use proper regulator - check.
#4. Pin assignment is Random - group power and signal together in Uext connector for GPS, ZIGBEE, I2C, etc...
#3. Power wire in a portable world - add lithium charger and auto switching - check.
#2. 5v in a 3v volt world - provide 5v/3.3v switch.
#1. Battery life sucks - lose the firestarter and add real ULP Voltage regulators - check.
And this is the short list, add real time clock support, 4 mounting holes, and Industrial temperature components and the Olimexino is far and away the highest quality Arduino Board ever produced for $29 on Mouser.