bGatti's Posts (40)

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Arduino has been pwned by Olimex

909-OLIMEXINO-328.jpgIf you've used the Arduino enough to understand its shortcomings, or perhaps even dared to mention them alloud, be cheered, the gods have heard your prayers - and yes Omilex has been making devboards and breakouts long enough to be a god. This new Arduino Clone from Omilex addresses (almost) all of the complaints raised here and at Hackaday etc.. of the Arduino: with a host of pretty clever, if not always novel solutions. I'll count down the top 10 complaints again with fixes provided by the engineers at Omilex. 


#10. Accidental resets - Re-introduce the Atmel recommended noise suppression - check.

#9. Analog sucks - Separate regulator for Analog, optional Vref for even more precision - check.

#8. Shields cover reset switch - move switch - check.

#7. Shields short out on USB connector - use mini usb check.

#6. Pin layout is Random - new set of .1 centered pins - check.

#5. Frequency dependencies - provide replaceable crystal - check

#5. Linear regulators suck - use proper regulator - check.

#4. Pin assignment is Random - group power and signal together in Uext connector for GPS, ZIGBEE, I2C, etc...

#3. Power wire in a portable world - add lithium charger and auto switching - check.

#2. 5v in a 3v volt world - provide 5v/3.3v switch.

#1. Battery life sucks - lose the firestarter and add real ULP Voltage regulators - check.


And this is the short list, add real time clock support, 4 mounting holes, and Industrial temperature components and the Olimexino is far and away the highest quality Arduino Board ever produced for $29 on Mouser.




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US Navy Radiation Sensor

C6998B.jpgFor some reason, this weeks Electronics Goldmine flyer had only one dish on the menu: Geiger Counters. Would you like them in the rain or on a train? I have to say though, flying a Geiger Counter is a practical application for small UAV which cannot be accomplished by manned aircraft.

So Kudos in advance to anyone who orders this kit ($149) and logs the results of a fly-over.


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Current (and Airspeed) for $1.45


This is a Current (And Airspeed) Sensor for $1.45.

I raised this question a while back, and was reminded again by the Post below which asks how to stuff all of this into a small box. (Beautiful Glider)


Small planes should remains a primal focus because they reduce the real and regulatory risks and allow broader participation in more fields/parks, etc...


So I'm offering a size reducing part - add a current sensor in exchange for the whole pitot/airpressure spaghetti.


The Airspeed theory is simple - at a given RPM, power consumption is proportional to airspeed, The faster the plane, the less the motor consumes to turn the prop. One can either detect the rpm, or determine that ESC's are essentially RPM = Throttle. Then a bit of data collecting will show the relationship.



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First Hobby Autopilot? Mims at MITS

Bill Gates and Paul Allen moved to Albuquerque (~1975?) to write Software for the MITS Altair 8800, but 10 years earlier MITS cofounder Forest Mims III aka "god" in electronics hobbyist parlance, was working at this desk on sophisticated electronics for .... Drones.

Well, ok, maybe just model rockets, but hey this is 1966. Who would have though that a rocket launchable "Blinky" would have led to the Personal Computer revolution? Now I know why Nate is does his new product "launches" the MITS way: he's hoping some Mims Magic will rub off. Anyway, it's a great story, hiding away on an antique website. I just had to share:

In your comments please admit if you have a design housed in a circa 1966 Ray-o-Vac blue plastic flashlight (check). And if you hung out at the local radio shack memorizing the color wheel, waiting for the next edition of the Engineers Notebook while your schoolmates were hiding under the covers with a flashlight and contraband?

All kidding aside, you are probably looking at the first hobbyist autopilot: In this closeup, Mims describes a "Sun Tracking Guidance system."

As I have recently done some daydreaming on a solar tracker, I think I can explain how this might work, A single light sensor drives a solenoid on a rotating rocket, when the sensor rolls into the sun, it moves a pair of fins (or engine) which pushes the rocket towards the sun for a brief portion of its rotation. Over-correcting is probably an issue - imagine no PID?

It is suggested that the Blinky was invented to help debug the solar tracker, but the resultant article leads to the MITS company, the altair, Gates & Allen, and the rest, as they say....

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Open Source Business Model

Looking for constructive feedback on OSBM - Hard or Soft I suspect.

My motion is that successful Open Source brands, such as Arduino, DIY, Linux etc... are the natural distributors of derived works, and should (therefore) encourage derived works specifically by hosting a marketplace for them - in which they charge a fee.

The argument in favor is that google searches and other reflections of mindshare will gravitate to the Copyright holders; derivative works are therefore discouraged a priori because they lack a level market. Providing an informed market for derived works would encourage derived works with a revenue component - which revenue would feed into the parent open source project.

In a sense, many Open Source projects are competing with their natural allies by trying to monopolize the distribution chain with a solitary embodiment of the shared IP; while this makes sense in some cases, I recently did some work for an Open Source company trying to do this, and came away with the impression that they may well be sacrificing the better opportunity (think ebay for derived works) in order to make a play at monopolizing the Open Source IP - fueling certain frictions in the bargain.

Does this OS community think that Open Source projects are better funded by:

A. The project initiators monopolizing the collective goodwill to sell derived works - to fund Ops & development.


B. The project initiators opening up the collective goodwill for any useful derived work (an atom-store) - whilst keeping a percent to fund Ops & Development.

(btw, i can list subtle examples of these themes in place already. I'd say Sparkfun is moving the fastest towards b. especially in their BatchPCB side, which was inspired by Seeed studios OS discount etc... DIY does have 3rd party modules (ir sensors) in its store, but has yet iirc to formalize a market policy.)

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Natural gas leaked out of a PG&E pipeline in San Bruno, CA, killing an unknown number. Clearly the Buried Natural Gas infrastructure is beginning to age. Only UAV's can reasonably fly low enough in neighborhoods to create a map of NG concentration. I heard on NPR that PG&E flies airplanes to inspect gaslines, but clearly not low or often enough.

Given that Methane sensors are light, cheap and readily available:


It's conceivable that Amateur UAV's could fly a pattern and log Methane levels against a GPS coordinate.

(Does anyone else think this could be a viable task for UAVs? and Why not propose a T3 contest in which mapping methane is the objective?)

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Open ATC

This is a Swarm routing project based on the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm which I first played with some 10 years ago.

The essence of biomemetic algorithms is the realization of emergent behaviors above and beyond the programmed behaviors - for example in this case, Air corridors and cooperative flight patterns emerge with dedicated program to establish them

As an Air Traffic Control protocol it offers (or could offer):
  1. High Density routing for swarms of uavs - and manned planes.
  2. Real-time deconfliction - immediate reaction to changes
  3. Infinite scalability - with only local communication.
  4. Deconfliction over non-airport hot spots like traffic, crime and accident scenes, borders, ships or oil rigs, ad hoc disaster and military sites.
  5. Mixed types and sizes of aircraft with unique separation requirements, power, speed etc...
  6. Deconflicts airplanes on the ground as well as in the air.
  7. Listen and avoid potential (small devices without transmitters).
  8. Can be used for ground vehicle, boats, or subs (provided they have localization).
One can run the program from this page
Source Code (GPL) can be downloaded here.
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51MHstcCOTL._SL75_.jpg on his Sunday CNN Show, Fareed Zakaria recommended this book and said it was relevant to the modern discussion of Ideas as Property (Patents). I should very much like to hear the perspective of DIY thinkers on the relative merits of Idea ownership, Idea sharing, and how they might reform the current Patent system. Is it still a tool for social mobility - and impetus for the Industrial revolution - as it was for Watts and his Steam engine - or has it been captured by static institutions in a way that precludes growth - especially from new entrants? Has the narrative of a man, a plan, a steam engine - become overwhelmed by patent sweatshops at MS and HP patenting the obvious and mundane, as a means of pulling up the ladder?

Open Source is in many respects a new paradigm of Intellectual Property, but is there a baby in the bathwater?

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Just reviewing processor specs on Freescale's <$2 JM16 and Atmel's Arduino/FTDO chipset at >$10.
  1. Three Serial Ports (2 com + USB) (full duplex telemetry plus GPS) vs. 1 com/USB on Atmel.
  2. 12 bit ADC vs Atmel's 10 bit. (4 times better resolution).
  3. Included USB (faster everything, more reliable, and save $ on FTDI)
  4. Matrix divider (Both have fast multiply, but Freescale includes Fast divider as well)
  5. Freescale runs at 48Mhz vs 20 Mhz
  6. Both have 6 PWM
  7. USB bootloaders vs. Serial Botloader
My question is have I overlooked some awesome flaw or feature which would undermine the general conclusion that the Freescale is twice the processor (or better) at 1/5 the price? Is it not thrice the com ports, 4 times the ADC resolution, twice the speed, (up to twice the program space on its larger brother jm60 with 60Kb Flash), infinitely more USB ports for much less cost, complexity, points of failure, board space, and weight than a 2-chip solution with half duplex compromises?

So the bigger question is really to the heart of Open Hardware and Arduino - is it worth paying 5 times the price for weak hardware, and a weak IDE just because some components of the tool chain are more open than Freescale's free IDE (which is arguably less "light" than then infinitely light Arduino IDE). Is the Atmel's proprietary chip really "Open Source" if one tool chain component is "open Source" - and is the premium worth it. I have lots of Arduino's and I like them, but I can't help feeling they are a closeted serial device in a USB world, and overpriced (a Freescale Arduino-Clone would probably cost $6 vs. Arduino's $32 because the USB is built-in.)

Just Saying...

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DIY Flex Circuits

PCB Boards are Cool, but the Holy Grail for robotics are the Kapton Flex Circuits which are both wire and circuit in one.

Using This Material, I was able to CNC a single-sided SMD circuit which is thin and flexible - though not quite Kapton :-(

For lightweight circuits that fit into odd shapes (like fuselages), etc, this is a process that can't be beat. You could probably use a chemical etch, but the CNC does the routing and cutout with the same tool.

First Design in Eagle then export in PCB-GCODE. I used 20mil spacing in eagle and a 16mil tool in gcode with a 3mil default (offset). I glued the scissor-cut material to a thicker PCB with spray glue, then held it down with clamps. It is critical to get the working surface flat (which took time and error).

Find more photos like this on DIY Drones
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