Weird Circling (Toilet Bowling) Problem2014-02-17%2008-48.logMotor position:3。。。1。 。。 。。 。2。。。412 is clockwise, 34 is counterclockwise.Motor 34 has a higher PWM than motor 12. There is no circling when the battery has enough power, but…
"Problem: GPS(UBLOX-6H) fails to lock position when using fireware APM3.01 in loiter mode
My GPS(UBLOX-6H) fails to lock position when using fireware APM3.01 in loiter mode, but everything is OK when using fireware APM2.91b in loiter mode.
When using…"
"Problem: GPS(UBLOX-6H) fails to lock position when using fireware APM3.01 in loiter mode
My GPS(UBLOX-6H) fails to lock position when using fireware APM3.01 in loiter mode, but everything is OK when using fireware APM2.91b in loiter mode.
When using…"