Almost a fly away...thoughts?

Ok so tonight I have just finished connecting my new gps module to my tbs discovery running 3.1 and an apm 2.5. I have 2 hours flight time on this drone with only stabilise and alt hold and 0 problems at all.

I got a UBLOX NEO-6M from unmanned tech and set about mounting it etc before test flying tonight. 

Here is the sequence of what happened:

-Wind 8mph

-Took off in STABILISE

-flew around a little no problems

-switched to ALT HOLD no issues

-switched to LOITER and took hands off the sticks, severe drift in one direction with a steady climb in  altitude but responding vaguely to throttle and cyclic input.

-switch to STABILISE no effect the drone appeared to remain in LOITER

-slowly managed to reduce height and bring in for a landing 

-wobbly landing as very minimal cyclic control, while on ground the drone would not DISARM and took off  again while throttle at 0%.

-as it took off it caught a blade loosening it which in turn caused it to flip

-I powered off by unplugging battery (props still trying hard to spin)

Flight 2:

-GPS unplugged

-took off in STABILISE did not feel normal, severe drift in one direction

-switched to ALT HOLD, same problem again that I had with LOITER mode

-managed to land quickly

-would not DISARM

-had to hold it down with 1 hand and slide my left hand under the spinning rotors and slide battery plug  out. 

Below is a screenshot of the autopilot before heading out (no fix as in my house)

Any help or suggestions welcomed, I am about to recalibrate the accelerometers and compass and will try again tomorrow with no GPS unit attached.



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  • I had the exact same thing happen. Appeared to be the barometer for me. Took off the foam over the baro and all was good!

  • maybe yaw or throttle pwm range of your transmitter changed? by accidentally moving trims?

    I'm having a similar issue. But it is about pwm range of my transmitter. It doesnt reach 1000pwm on throttle signal unles i turn off the switch in front of transmitter. So while disarming, i turn it off which shifts pwm to a lower band.

  • Are you sure you switched Flight Mode to the correct setting?? Sudden spin up is usual when you carry the armed copter out of the waypoint range and you didn't checked what Mode you are in.

    Always disarm or power down, before you lift a drone of the ground... just for the health of your hands and fingers :)



  • I would caution using visual observations on the second flight.  After a crash there are multiple problems you could be dealing with.  A motor could have become misaligned (or just not the same alignment as the first flight), an ESC could have been damaged, another prop could have been damaged or unbalanced, the motors could have been damaged from trying to spin but being restricted or just the initial impact.  You really need to look at the data and see what signals were being sent to the motors to rule out mechanical failure.

  • Problem: GPS(UBLOX-6H) fails to lock position when using fireware APM3.01 in loiter mode

    My GPS(UBLOX-6H) fails to lock position when using fireware APM3.01 in loiter mode, but everything is OK when using fireware APM2.91b in loiter mode.

    When using my GPS with both APM3.01 and APM2.91b, Mission planner shows the right longitude and latitude, also shows 3DFIX and SAT NUM. The longitude and latitude ripples in acceptable range.

    After switching to loiter mode(APM3.01), the frame begins shaking, then flying towards an arbitrary direction quickly.

  • Something similar has happened to me while testing a no-GPS lock failsafe on 3.0.1.

    I don't have my GPS module yet but I wanted to try the APM's failsafe functionality anyway. With no GPS lock, its supposed to go into LAND and disarm. Well, it landed but the motors kept spinning then suddenly took off at full throttle. I had cyclic control once I turned my transmitter back on but NO throttle control. The quad would land, then a few seconds later shoot back up into the air. 

    Everything was happening so quickly and I was panicking so I can't remember what mode I had the transmitter in when i turned it back on. 

    During one of the times it "landed" with the motors spinning I ran up to it, pushed my hand down on the middle of the quad in case it went full throttle again (of course it did) then slid my hand between the grass and the spinning blades to pull the battery out. 

    Scary stuff.

  • Posting your dataflash logs would be better if you want some suggestions...

  • For the motors spinning, check and see if it went into land mode.  Might have been caused by a low battery failsafe.  If it did, check the min throttle it is set to.  mine was high enough to keep my quad a few inches in the air.  it would also keep the motors spinning and not let it disarm.

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