"I was just looking into this and here is what i found:
my versions: APM V3.1.4, MP is current.
the command is now only in the full parameter list.
"LED Mode" default is 9.
Explanation is here: LED modes
I have not confirmed it works yet, but it is…"
"Thanks, i think my confusion is the way things are labeled. The instructions refer to the outputs as "RC1-8" and mission planer/firmware labeled the inputs RC1-xx.
This line here caused the confusion:
(*Tricopter note: If the direction of your…"
"@Ralp or Wessie, have you tried running the numbers through ecalc to see if it is close? Im not sure how well a Y6 vs hex compare for efficiency. http://www.ecalc.ch/xcoptercalc.htm?ecalc&lang=en
"Is it possible your APM came loose and tilted? Could that explain why it flew away then did not come back in RTL? it thought it was coming back and couldn't exceed the tilt angle? that would be a odd coincidence though.
"I took a look to see if I can see anything, but not much stands out to me.
Only thing I notice is a big throttle input just before it looks like you lose control. I see this by graphing throut and thrin on the left with PitchIn and Pitch on the…"
"I believe you can get this from the GPS : time info from your logs.
if you take your start and stop times and divide them by 60000 (since the time is in ms) you should your time in min.
for example, total flight time: ( 44193800 - 4370220 ) / 60000…"
Hi All,i have been struggling with a loiter issue for and i wanted to try and get some feedback.Im running APM 2.5 with external compass mod. (compassmot ~5%)NEO-6 rev2 GPSF450 frame, 900kv motors 9-10" props depending on payload.I have had the unit…
only things you can do is move your compass further away from you power board or add some mu-metal under your apm (normal copper will not affect the mag field much)
you might get a 20% improvement with the mag shield, but it also lowers your…"
"For the motors spinning, check and see if it went into land mode. Might have been caused by a low battery failsafe. If it did, check the min throttle it is set to. mine was high enough to keep my quad a few inches in the air. it would also keep…"
"I know you mentioned you check the motors are in the correct order, but I would triple check those, order and rotation. at default PIDs, the motor order was the main reason my quad would flip when I was figuring this out (well still am).
"I had the same thing happen to me. Is it now enabled by default in 3.0.1?
I went ahead and left it in, I just lowered it from 10V to 9.6V and also be sure to adjust your min throttle. Mine was set to high by default and caused my quad to scoot…"