2.4ghz DJI UGCS & 2.4ghz taranis x8r, is it safe to use both? Or is it better to just use 2.4ghz DJI gcs w/ UGCS?Any UGCS user have try this two 2.4ghz for RC & 2.4 ghz UGCS both at the same time ?
"My plan is to separate power for FC/radio and motors. FC power consumption is very small against the motors/load.
Dual power system maybe, so my FC will always stay on wile changing mainpower for motor/load."
How to save current drone position, return to home, change the battery then resume the mission to the last save position?Maybe we can hover the drone for a few seconds to get accurate gps location before returning home.I cant figure it out how to do…
"That's good. We need that feature for drone spraying. We want to avoid unnecessary turning as we don't care drone's nose direction during spraying. Thanks for the info"