"Thank you Sir!
It seems in my setup here that APMPlaner2.0 is buggy, after installing MP from Michael Oborne was able to edit the fields relative to this problem right away.
Still configuring but the machines behavior is much better now and looking…"
"Thanks very much.
In APM Initial Setup tab, clicking the reverse buttons seems to actually enable and disable that control.
In Config/Tune tab the value for RC2_REV is 1, if changed to -1 a value of 127 is returned?
Where have I derailed?
THX for…"
I am have the same symptoms with my 3DR Aero.
Pixhawk FW 3.0.3
Jeti TX/RX
Manual FC mode is configured and fly's fine, however all stab modes the ailerons are reacting with roll moments as opposed to inverse action, all other flight…"