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Hello everyone! Recently caught myself thinking that time is merciless, it's consumed by tasks, work, family. And I have no hobbies left. Absolutely none. Can you suggest what you do in your free time? Is it possible to find a hobby that won't take up much time and isn't directly related to drones or only indirectly?

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2 Replies · Reply by Rick Bray yesterday

Issue with reading data from telem1 port of CUAV-X7+

 Data Reading Issue2360×3220 319 KBAn issue with reading data from the telem1 port of CUAV-X7+I am trying to integrate KingTech 210 ECU with Ardupilot firmware. The above .jpeg file explains the flow of my code. I made a library in the libraries directory of the ArduPilot (AP) source code. I have defined a serial protocol named “SerialProtocol_KT_ECU = 49” in serialManager.h file. I used the find_serial function from the serial manager libraryto find the ECU instance and the find_baudrate…

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FreeCAD custom wing using different profiles and tapered tip

Hi All,for a monowing project I wrote several FreeCAD macros which generate a tapered, two section wing, where the root profile of the inner section is different from the outer profile of this section and where the outer section is tapered towards the tip. The files are on github:FreeCADwing_git   a zip file is availabel here: FreeCADwing_zipPlease post all questions and suggestions regarding the program to github discussions:FreeCADwing_discussions Happy Modeling, Soldering, Simming, Building…

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How to Install 4 Spraying Drone Nozzles ? -Useful Video Tutorial

Hello everyone, usually, agricultural drones (unlike FPV camera drones) allows users to retrofit different parts to achieve more functions.Here is a tutorial on 4 centrifugal nozzles installation for your reference.Practical drone skills: comes from EFT tech .Which agricultural drone model do you use? Welcome to leave comments to discuss ~ 

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0 Replies · Reply by Yohanna Thomas Sep 1