To all you Pitot/Static tube users - beware. Three out of three of the 3DR pitot/static probes I purchased recently have had air leaks where the internal tube joins to the machined aluminium tip. In one instance this resulted in a 20% under-reading o
After flying the X-5 in manual mode I came to the conclusion it didn't have enough weathercock stability so I have added a small amount of fin area above the motor mount as seen below. I also drilled a hole through the foam in that area to provide a
I've been playing around with the ArduPlane software 2.68 for a few weeks now and think I have found a few bugs in the navigation code that were preventing it from tracking accurately between waypoints in windy conditions. After correcting these bugs
I have three flying sites that I use depending on weather and availability. My primary flying site is located only 800 meters from a weather radar and I have been having repeated in-air reboots when flying from that flying site only. Fortunately, bei
I have a 3DR 915 MHz v1.1 USB interface radio that will not enter command mode using the 3DR radio config tool and does not respond to any commands. The unit was communicating whenfirst received, but stopped working when I tried adjusting some of the