"Hey all, i just came across this after someone brought it up,
I know its an old post
The ONLY reason i was convicted of this was because
I couldn't afford a lawyer, so was given one that had no clue (his own words) about aviation laws. so on the…"
"fw 2.9.1b
gps is Ublox NEO-6M GPS v2
P stab are 4.000 at the min but ive been all over with them
compass offsets i dont know
rx/tx is a rmilec uhf
compass i dont know"
Hi, ive read and read, and followed instructions on these problems, but im still getting no whereim using a dji f450 with stock esc's and motors, 10" props, 4400 3c lipo turnigy 9x radio.i had the naza system on this quad when i got it , flew…