
Arduino: Gyro+Accelerometer+Kalman

My Ardu-IMU, Use a sparkfun Gyro, Wii accelerometers and Kalman Filters (code). Is working now, but still beta...

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  • My Email address is
  • Jordi,
    I am very interest in you project, and I also want to make my own IMU, but i dont know how to process the data using Kalman Filters, can you send me some code about the Kalman Filters in the IMU, or some resource about that. Thanks a lot.
  • OK
    try again using the nice little file upload thing.
    Thanks Chris..
  • Jordi,
    we are still waiting for the code... :) i want to experiment with wii nunchuck accelerometer but have not broken down the nunchuck yet... :) i managed to read nunchuck data (z-data is not satisfactory) with my DIY connector but could not find a good kalman filter software to process the data... :(
  • And part 2

    void updateServos()
    if((millis() - lastPulse) >= refreshTime) {
    digitalWrite(servoPin_x, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(servoPin_x, LOW);

    digitalWrite(servoPin_y, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(servoPin_y, LOW);


    int index=0; // inrement this each print cycle

    void printNunchuckData()

    joy_x_axis = outbuf[0];
    joy_y_axis = outbuf[1];
    accel_x_axis = outbuf[2];
    accel_y_axis = outbuf[3];
    accel_z_axis = outbuf[4];

    z_button = 0;
    c_button = 0;
    // you need to add in the two lsb's from outbuf[5]
    if((outbuf[5] >> 0) & 1)
    z_button = 1;

    if((outbuf[5] >> 1) & 1)
    c_button = 1;
    if((outbuf[5] >> 2) & 1)
    accel_x_axis += 2;

    if((outbuf[5] >> 3) & 1)
    accel_x_axis += 1;

    if((outbuf[5] >> 4) & 1)
    accel_y_axis += 2;

    if((outbuf[5] >> 5) & 1)
    accel_y_axis += 1;

    if((outbuf[5] >> 6) & 1)
    accel_z_axis += 2;

    if((outbuf[5] >> 7) & 1)
    accel_z_axis += 1;

    Serial.print(index, DEC);
    Serial.print(joy_x_axis, DEC);

    Serial.print(joy_y_axis, DEC);

    Serial.print(accel_x_axis, DEC);
    Serial.print(accel_y_axis, DEC);
    Serial.print(accel_z_axis, DEC);

    Serial.print(z_button, DEC);
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(c_button, DEC);


    // decode nunchuck data
    char nunchuck_decode_byte (char x)
    x = (x ^ 0x17) + 0x17;
    return x;
  • Here's the code , sorry to balst the blog
    * wii nunchuck servo system
    * Phil Wilshire
    * July 4th, 2008
    * Embedded Linux Developer
    * This based totally on the work by Tod E. Kurt,
    * who based it on the Winmeadow Labs work
    * moved it around a bit and added an extra axis
    * This is my first venture into Arduino code.
    * this was running on a Boarduino
    * It looks like a load of fun

    uint8_t outbuf[6];
    int cnt = 0;
    int ledPin = 13;

    int servoPin_x = 7;
    int servoPin_y = 6;
    int pulseWidth_y = 0;
    int pulseWidth_x = 0;
    long lastPulse = 0;

    int refreshTime = 20;
    int minPulse = 700;
    int maxPulse = 1700;

    int joy_x_axis;
    int joy_y_axis;
    int accel_x_axis;
    int accel_y_axis;
    int accel_z_axis;
    int z_button = 0;
    int c_button = 0;

    #define pwbuffsize 4
    #define pwbuffnum 3 // 0 = x 1 = y 2 = z

    int pwbuff[pwbuffnum][pwbuffsize];
    int pwbuffpos = 0;
    int pulsewidth[pwbuffnum];
    int curmode = 0;

    * Boarduino connections
    * If you get smoke you may not have checked these properly
    * connect x servo to dig 7 last on the top left
    * (with the power connector to the left)
    * connect y servo to dig 6 one pin to the right of dig 7
    * connect +5 to +5v 9 pins in from left
    * connect 0v to gnd 10 pins in from left
    * nunchuck clock (yellow) to an 5, last one on the bottom right
    * nunchuck data (green) to an 4, one pin to the left of an 5

    void setup()
    beginSerial(9600); // 19200 did not work for me
    nunchuck_init(); // set up I2C
    pinMode(servoPin_x, OUTPUT); // A couple of servo outputs
    pinMode(servoPin_y, OUTPUT);
    for(int p = 0 ; p < pwbuffnum; p++)
    pulsewidth[p] = minPulse;
    Serial.print("Finished setup\n");
    curmode = 0; // set stick control

    void nunchuck_init()
    Wire.beginTransmission(0X52); // start sending to address 0x52
    Wire.send(0x40); // send 0x40
    Wire.send(0x00); // send 00
    Wire.endTransmission(); // stop sending

    void send_zero()
    Wire.beginTransmission(0X52); // start sending to address 0x52
    Wire.send(0x00); // send 00
    Wire.endTransmission(); // stop sending

    int t = 0; // read nunchuck when it gets to 25
    void read_nunchuck()
    Wire.requestFrom(0x52, 6);
    while(Wire.available()) {
    outbuf[cnt] = nunchuck_decode_byte(Wire.receive());
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

    void processData()
    float axis[3];
    for(int p = 0 ; p < pwbuffnum; p++) {
    axis[p] = outbuf[p+3];
    axis[p] = (axis[p]-70) * 1.5;
    pulsewidth[p] = (axis[p] * 9) + minPulse;
    pwbuff[p][pwbuffpos] = pulsewidth[p];
    pulsewidth[p] = 0;

    if(++pwbuffpos == pwbuffsize) pwbuffpos=0;

    for (int j = 0; j
    for (int p = 0; p
    pulsewidth[p] += pwbuff[p][j];
    for (int p = 0; p
    pulsewidth[p] /= pwbuffsize;

    void loop()
    if(t == 25) {
    t = 0;

    if(cnt >= 5) {


    if (curmode == 0) { //press Z for acelleration control

    if (curmode == 1) { // press c for direct control
    pulseWidth_y=minPulse + (joy_y_axis * 4);
    pulseWidth_x=minPulse + (joy_x_axis * 4);
    if (z_button == 0) { //press Z for acelleration control
    curmode = 0;
    if (c_button == 0) { // press c for direct control
    curmode = 1;

    cnt = 0;


    void updateServos()
    if((millis() - lastPulse) >= refreshTime) {
    digitalWrite(servoPin_x, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(servoPin_x, LOW);
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  • Hi Jordi,

    I got the nunchuck working during my July 4th break from my other projects.
    Any idea what the nunchuck chip is and if we can get it ??

    I'll post the code in the next comment.
    Phil WIlshire
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