Very very sorry Rana sir !
I could just find time to access internet and have seen your comments and message from Chris sir.
Since you are my Guru now, so I won,t thank you for all what you did for me. You will always be in my heart.
As you said, I will concentrate on my project so may not visit DIY for long time.
Chris Sir and Morli, my experience with Rana sir;
Extract of the message written to Chris sir;
This one is working fine. Last evening when Rana ji, came home I was already waiting for him. We had discussion for couple of hours and cofee together.
He said "vishal, I see great fire in you and one day you will go higher than me" and said " you take mine which is already working and give me yours, even if the ATTiny45 chip is faulty, don't worry be happy and concentrate on your project"
It is his greatness, otherwise I have tried to contact many others in India for help but no one helped me here.
Sir, I thank you and your website with whome it could be possible.
I am not a regular viewer of DIY so would concentrate on my project as Rana sir said.
Hey Morli, Rana ji is extending help to me. But Chris Sir and you also did well whatever you could.
Many many thanks for your help and support.
I will update you. In the evening, most probably I meeting Rana ji, if he is back home at time.
He is Senior Manager in a big telecom company in Gurgaon and heading all the network operations of the entire city of Gurgaon.
@vu2at ,Can't say i have like this one but would say go easy on solder . Like Rana said it could be the f/w if not then start using multimeter and start tracing the solder to tracks to isolate the elusive dry solder( I am sure you would have but just in case, I had a similar issue recently),
Hey Murli, I have no proper words to thank Rana Ji for extending such a great help.
sure I will do that, but did you ever came acrosa any such problem ?
Many many thanks Rana Ji !, sent you personal message please provide your mail id so that I can contact you.
Chris sir, pl. see below the photos as suggested by you.
However my prblem is not resolved but once again I thank a lot Rana Ji, Chris Sir and Murli.
Hi Vu2at, Sorry I did know about ur issue and conversation with Chris. I was going to say if you could get Rana's help being near you , Rana has already replied you and has right tools too, could visit him to sort the issue if it is Ok with Chris & Rana. Thanks Rana for support
I could just find time to access internet and have seen your comments and message from Chris sir.
Since you are my Guru now, so I won,t thank you for all what you did for me. You will always be in my heart.
As you said, I will concentrate on my project so may not visit DIY for long time.
Chris Sir and Morli, my experience with Rana sir;
Extract of the message written to Chris sir;
This one is working fine. Last evening when Rana ji, came home I was already waiting for him. We had discussion for couple of hours and cofee together.
He said "vishal, I see great fire in you and one day you will go higher than me" and said " you take mine which is already working and give me yours, even if the ATTiny45 chip is faulty, don't worry be happy and concentrate on your project"
It is his greatness, otherwise I have tried to contact many others in India for help but no one helped me here.
Sir, I thank you and your website with whome it could be possible.
I am not a regular viewer of DIY so would concentrate on my project as Rana sir said.
Thanks you !
and Best Regards
@ Vu2at , any feed backs?
Many many thanks for your help and support.
I will update you. In the evening, most probably I meeting Rana ji, if he is back home at time.
He is Senior Manager in a big telecom company in Gurgaon and heading all the network operations of the entire city of Gurgaon.
Cheers !
sure I will do that, but did you ever came acrosa any such problem ?
Chris sir, pl. see below the photos as suggested by you.

However my prblem is not resolved but once again I thank a lot Rana Ji, Chris Sir and Murli.