Hi Edwin, I made the pylon enginemount out of scrap sheet aluminum, plumbingtoubing and birchplywood. Thereafter I made a recess into the body of the EasyGlider to fit the pylon before gluing the bodyhalfs together. There is a slot in the top of the plywood pylon so that I can change the angle of the engine.
Did the glider with the engine mount or was it an add on. Did you buy the add on? I was thinking about something similar for one of my own projects. Thanks!

Hi Edwin, I made the pylon enginemount out of scrap sheet aluminum, plumbingtoubing and birchplywood. Thereafter I made a recess into the body of the EasyGlider to fit the pylon before gluing the bodyhalfs together. There is a slot in the top of the plywood pylon so that I can change the angle of the engine.