Actually, its a single stage, but good guess! The recessed tube, in the black bulkhead, is a sealed avionics bay; the red loop is the power lead for an accelerometer/barometric pressure altimeter. The protruding black "pot", is an ejection charge cannister. The black ring is an anchor for a recovery chute, and the terminal block is the power supply to the charge ignitor.
Actually, its a single stage, but good guess! The recessed tube, in the black bulkhead, is a sealed avionics bay; the red loop is the power lead for an accelerometer/barometric pressure altimeter.
The protruding black "pot", is an ejection charge cannister. The black ring is an anchor for a recovery chute, and the terminal block is the power supply to the charge ignitor.
so curious; I recognize were the hot gas escape that lights the next stage is. whats the red cord and the loop for?