Test flight of my Quad Rotor Observer (QRO) v8 with the FCWii board and the Wii Motion Plus (gyroscopes) + Nunchuk (accelerometers) MEMS sensors
There was a strong wind during the tests flights (30 Km/h NW, gusting 40 Km/h, rainy...)
The tests flights have been successful, the model was very stable in spite of the bad weather conditions.
Normal flight mode and Auto-Level mode have been tested in the video.
Flight controller hardware:
- FCWii board v1.0 (ATmega 328P, Arduino PRO MINI 5V/16 Mhz compatible) from Fpv4ever
- Wii Motion Plus (genuine Nitendo version)
- Nunchuk (genuine Nitendo version)
Flight controller firmware:
- MultiWii V1_pre7 (compiled with the Arduino IDE) by Alexandre Dubus (Alexinparis)
firmware is uploaded via a FTDI 5V cable.
More infos at: