I spent some time over the weekend designing this prop protector for a 3DR quadcopter. So far it's 90% done, I just need to design a little mechanism to lock it into the arm. It's too big for my 3D printer so I'm probably going to separate it into 4 pieces that lock in with glue. Once I have the full product done I'll probably order them through Shapeways so I can get them in once piece (a little hard to get around the prop though). I'll update how it's going and if anyone wants the file to made changes and help me prototype just ask.
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I would love to protect my props from objects as well as protect persons and property from my Quad.
I wouldn't be surprised if propeller guards will be required by law in the near future.
Safety needs to be a priority in our industry.
OK, I'll upload the files sometime during the week so you can try them out (on my tablet now). It is AutoDesk inventer under a student liscence.
is that AutoDesk Inventor?
I'd love your files I'm a CAD Engineering student and am always designing things for my robotic projects. Also I can help you prototype and look over your designs if you would like that?