3D Robotics

New ArduPilot boards

We're making good progress on ArduPilot, the Arduino-based open source autopilot, and Jordi's just finished an improved version of the board, along with a new surface-mount version for those who care about size and are extra handy with a fine-point soldering iron. The new version of the through-hole board corrects one error on the previous version--a diode was in the wrong way around--and adds a better layout, better connectors for the receiver and servo cables (Samtec right-angle connectors) and the GPS, and clearer labeling throughout. You can see the PCB layout above, and buy the board here. Eagle 5 files are here: ardupilotBETA.sch and ardupilotBETA.brd The components you'll need are these:

I'm working on the Autopilot code now, and should have a beta in a few weeks once I've had a chance to test it. I'm starting with a port of the Basic Stamp autopilot, but this board is designed to do much more, so we'll be coding in new functionality like the ability to read a barometric sensor for altitude control and read the FMA Co-Pilot (or custom IR sensors) directly, to integrate stabilization directly into the autopilot.

The surface-mount (SMD) version is functionally identical (except it has two extra analog inputs for sensors, thanks to the SMD version of the ATMega168 chip having more I/O pins), but smaller. We designed this one mostly for ease of automated manufacture--we will be offering a pre-made board with components already mounted in a few months--but if you're not too afraid of hand soldering intzy-wintzy leads, you may prefer this one, which you can buy here.

Here's the overview of the SMD board:

Here's the component list for the SMD board (Digikey parts): Capacitors:







You may notice that the image of the board above appears to be missing some chips that the through-hole version has. That's because they're on the bottom of the board.



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  • Will do
  • 3D Robotics
    Huh? Because nobody responded to your comment and suggestion? That just means that either A) nobody else here is working on the same problem, or, B) you posted your idea as comment on the third page of a complete unrelated post that is three months old.

    My suggestion is that you repost it as a new discussion topic, which is what it should have been all along.
  • I guess I have been blacklisted. :(
  • Like this
  • You know I have been thinking about the resolution issue with 300d/s gyros and the resolution of the AVR168 chips. It seems to me if we think outside the box for a moment the problem can be easily solved. It would require 3 op amps per channel but it may be worth it.
    The first op amd is a unity gain buffer. The other two op amps are configured to have 0 -3.3v for an input of 0-1.5v the second op amp would drive an ADC1 input directly. The third op amd
    would be biased so that it did not produce output until it reveived an input of 1.5v. This coulkd be easily achieved with two diodes in series to the input of op amp 3 the voltage drop across each would be .7v and two would be 1.4v. A forward bias would be achieved at ~1.4v hence setting the bias. The third op amp would feed ADC2 and readings would only be taken from this if ADC1 achieved an overflow condition (full 1024 bits). This should give more resolution than ever needed. :)
  • Chris,
    I have the right boards and I have ordered the rest of the parts now.
    I will, hopefully, build one or two of the new boards as soon as all the bits get here.

  • 3D Robotics

    Good catch! We'd actually been using the right chips, but I put in the wrong link. Now fixed...

    Many thanks!
  • Hi Chris,

    Great work but I have some bad news... The ATMEGA168V-10AU-ND listed in the SMT project is a 10Mhz unit. All the picopower units as designated by the V in the part number are 10Mhz max. You will actually want a ATMEGA168-20AI-ND and it is a 20Mhz unit!

  • 3D Robotics

    Sorry about that--I've fixed the link above. We're still improving the boards, so think of this one as a test platform. The final version will be out in Sept (and available pre-soldered)
  • Chris,

    The link to buy the SMT version of ArduPilot points to the thru hole design. I sure would like to get started on the SMT version. [=)'
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