here are some experiences with Bill Premerlani amazing UAVDevBoard on a Multiplex Acromaster.
Here is a video that shows the impressive ability of this device with Ben Levitt pattern stabilization firmware:
UAVDevBoard stabilized Acromaster from Riccardo Kuebler on Vimeo.
The plane, base components:
Acromaster with Apache 30/14T AR
ESC Castle Creation Phoenix 45
Lipo 4S 3600mAh
Propeller APC 12x6
Servos 4x Hitec HS81MG
ACT S3D 2.4GHz 4+2 RC rx
IMU upgrade:
Xbee Pro
A123 2S 1300mAh
Here is the options.h file with my actual settings:
Here is a spreadsheet with the commented history of the settings:
Logbook Acromaster.xls
This is a great work from all the developers and programmers (hardware: Bill Premerlani, Tom Posey; firmware:Bill Premerlani, Adam Barrow, Adam Bellchambers, Pete Holland, Ben Levitt; Aerobatics stabilization firmware: Ben Levitt; and all the fantastic rest of the team).
Best regards,
1st edit 7.2.10:
link added for autopilot devices, video embedded
Doesn't seem as elegant as some of the maneuvers in the video for this devboard though!
P.S. - The EZSTAR has tiny control surfaces (I do have ailerons) and the propwash misses the tail completely. So between what you mention and this, I don't think this is viable on that airframe. What happens is that you pull the nose up, and it starts to drop as airspeed drops. Then you add throttle, but you can never quite keep the nose high enough to enter that slow hoover realm.
how are you?
The Oilpan is a great idea from Tom Posey. He made few examples. Ask him about availability.
TJ, to keep nose up you do have a big elevator, with high rate and CG positioned the rear you can. As a result you get a very unstable plane (say an aerobatic devoted one). You need then big ailerons and big rudder too, because at low speed they become less responsive. I already read your performances and am very curious to see how you handle this.
Best regards,
I've spent at least 6 months trying various ways to autoland and usually wind up coming in too fast and taking too much of a runway (and ending up in the trees) or I come in too slow and stall.
I'm using an EZSTAR, so maybe the "harrier" won't work because I don't have propwash over my tail. I've tried the high alpha landings with full throttle and they don't seem to work... I just can't hold the nose up. what's the trick?
Billu Bhaiya & Ben Levitt are really great guys & man u 2 !
Did you etch the Oilpan PCB your self or you ordered it.
Where is the source if ordered ?
I am honored.
This all started from you.
I am deeply grateful!