I just got this video from André Kjellstrup.
It shows the importance of an OSD with instruments in hard FPV flight conditions.
From his own words: "lost visual far out over water when a sudden and passing snow shower with wet, heavy snow clogged lens". Fortunately his craft was equiped with ArduPilot Mega and MinimOSD. ;)
Here is an earlier video from André who is always giving us his feedback.
Thank's by your nice videos André!
Ordered and it looks like they are selling pretty quickly.
@Mike: MinimOSD arrived on DIYD Store. http://store.diydrones.com/Ardupilot_Mega_Minimal_OSD_p/br-apmminos...
@Sandro, I'm looking forward to picking up one of these boards.
I've just started playing around with the APM2 and there's so much to learn!
@Daniel: Yes. You're right. Guys from FPV are also starting to adopt RTL as a safety resource.
It's also great to see how APM does when RC signal is gone completely on my test base with Spektrum DX5e. You see OSD's flight-mode panel changing to "CIRC" (circle) and if the signal isn't recovered it changes to "RETL" (return to launch). That's awesome.
RTL would have probably worked too.
Ah yes! I like. I will also try with as much professionalism.
@Mike, the next batch is in production. It will back on store soon.
I'll will post here in this thread at the time it arrives on store. Stay tuned. ;)
I wish these would come back into stock sometime.