Due to the limitations of minimosd, for some time that I've been working on developing a new OSD for APM/PX4.
As of today, AlceOSD 0v3 is available for sale at: www.satxo.com
Firmware available at: https://github.com/diydrones/alceosd/
Documentation is available at (WIP): https://github.com/diydrones/alceosd/wiki
The firmware is open source project so all kind of contributors are welcome!
Let me know your thoughts and new ideas for the OSD!
Latest flight (hw 0v2):
First flight (hw 0v1):
Batch of the first 10 prototype boards:
Assembled board (2.5 x 5.0 cm, 6 grams weight):
I am interested in buying the AlceOSD 0v5 can i still get one?
Thanks Jason!
vipe i found it easy just make sure change the settings correctly
how much of a pain is this osd to setup?
Is it like minimosd where you end up wasting half a weekend because nothing is ever programmed/works properly?
Hey Luis
Can you make this happen??
I would buy your osd if you can. I have added you as friend please respond asap thanks
I have also added the comment on the other forum thanks
I can easily add it.
Please post any question at the new AlceOSD forum:
does it have sonar range on the osd?
Only code is open source for now. Will publish schematics as soon as I can (I need at get back the production costs).
By the way: new firmware and updater tool:
Looking Good. I dont see any board schematic though. So your board isnt Open Source then?
The square board is now available for sale.
It'a a perfect fit for a pixracer.
(the 6 pin DF13 connector is included in the final version)