Are you looking for something to do with your original ArduPilot now that you've got the new ArduPilot Mega? Why not put it to good use! Diego Colonnello and I have come up with an antenna tracker for my GCS. It uses the original ArduPilot, a couple servos and a FTDI cable. Building the actual mechanism to move your patch antenna is up to you...but the code is in there to make it work. You can also use your ArduStation! Simply select the ArduStation output type and the data will flow out in the right format regardless of GPS or Auto-pilot brand.
Here's a Wiki page trying to explain how it works:
To download the ArduTracker 1.0 source and 1.1.32 of my GCS:
I can verify that the old Pololu and SSC serial streams work perfectly, although I haven't tried them for a while.
That's difficult to say. I haven't had a lot of feedback on what people are using. I just added the Maestro stuff recently... but the older Pololus worked great as far as I know.
Excellent. Good luck! Apparently people are having mixed results with the newer Maestro Pololu boards. I think I need to do some more testing.
That answered my question perfectly. Thanks for your help....
I understand. See, I was miss understanding what was on the previous posting then. What was trowing me way off was that I thought you needed to have a Ardupilot legacy board or a Ardustation along with the servo driver. I understand what you are saying now.
Thanks for all your help.
Did you select "Maestro" from the protocol selection on the tracking tab?
I am using 1.3.29 with the GPS sim input. Am I missing something else.
@TSnoke, have you tried the Maestro protocol?
@Joseph, On the ground, attached to the laptop, you need one of these devices (only one, not one of each): ArduPilot Legacy main board, ArduStation, Melih Servo Driver or Pololu Servo Driver.
Using 1.3.29 I can not get a pololu 8 servo controller to move either servo. I have tried both the ssc and pololu formats. I have tested the controller using a standalone program. tested sat. Is there a procedure step I am missing? Can I get some help.
I want to make a tracking antenna system. With you gcs software what do I need to make it work? This will be my last question.
Thanks for your help.