APMLogVisualizer version 1.32, with C# Source

I've had quite a few positive comments, and also, some folks have pointed out bugs and made suggestions for improvements.
So, I fixed the bugs (all that I know of anyway), added most of the suggested features, and added a couple new features of my own.

Above is a YouTube Video that shows most of the features, and how I narrowed down the reason for my crash.

Here's the latest software:

In the following YouTube video, you can see the crash, as I had my GoPro on the copter:

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  • Moderator

    Just wondering, since MissionPlanner and This software both developed in C#, couldn't this be integrated to MissionPlanner? If Dan is okay with it, of course! 

  • 100KM

    Great work, Dan! Thank you very much for this. I would LOVE to have amps as well - what parameter enables amps in the log, and what amp meter do you have?

    I'm definitely going to use this to examine some of my more mysterious logs..

  • Thanks everybody for the warm comments.  Some folks in europe had issues because of the decimal/comma difference in the floating point ascii numbers.  I made a version that hopefully will fix this, but I need to hear from somebody that's been having the trouble in Europe. 

    Here's version 1.33 for the Europe folks (It should work everywhere).



  • Dan, you get two gold stars!

    There is nothing like a picture to put data into perspective.

    That is outstanding work and a benefit to the community.

  • There used to be a Plane version I belive.

  • Hi Aaron,

    I don't have any plans whatsever, I've never done a version control thing, so don't know how it's done.  But it may be worth doing.  Also, your idea about integrating video is a really great one, it would be a fantastic tool, however, i've no experience with video, so hopefully someone else could tackle this.



    I'm not sure if it would work for planes, I'm pretty sure the little copters won't turn into planes, however, it may work.  Go ahead and try it, let us know!  Thanks,



  • Love the new feature of the mouse position slider in the Graph showing the real time values on the main window. 

    "Necessity is the mother of invention"

  • Moderator

    Very impressive, excellent work Dan!

  • Great Tool !

    Do You know if it work for planes too?

     I´m thinking to bring back the old logs and analyze them.

  • Hi Dan, great work!!

    Do you have any plans to integrate video (from or of the UAV) into the software? It would be fantastic if you could sync up a video file with the logs and display the correct frames along with your visualizations.

    I've been working on a python script to overlay animated log graphs on video, but it's slow and adding video to your program would be a way better solution I think.

    Great that you released the source! Any plans to put it in version control and on Google Code or similar?


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