Lots of small tweaks and performance improvements. Here's how testing AP went in the Park:
If you compile with Arduino, you can now set CH7 to trigger some cool things like RTL, or In-Flight leveling.
Check the GIT tree for details on the changes. Most are just nerdy code optimizations.
This release feels very close, if not the last beta. Thanks for all the testing,
Jumpa: Git instructions are in the ArduPlane manual. But we really recommend you do not fly code pulled straight from the repository. It's a development environment and at any given moment may be unstable. We push code out to the public (zip or hex) after it's been tested, but the trunk is usually in flux.
Hi Juampa,
You can merge your existing repository, or at last resort delete your current repository including the dir name and clone again.
Please can anyone post a step by step about how to update from repository?
I'm very confused with GIT, I can do a full checkout but not able to see and get updates later.
I've already read tutorials with no luck.
My initial test with v43 and v44 were the same, i flipped number of times and even if I would take off it would act like a seesaw violently shaking my quad. I had to cut down almost half on my stab_pitch_p and stab_roll_p but try the version where Jason set the rate_pitch/roll_i is set to zero. There is a big difference.
Greg: 2.0.44 was updated today to resolve that. Please reload and try again. Takeoffs should be smoother.
I do wanna say a big thanx to all involved in the hard work with trying to get the 2.0 release past beta state...you are doing very well!
No that's not it, although the absolute altitude instead of relative to ground issue is another thing that needs fixing in the kml creation process. I just re-downloaded a clean 1.0.75 and tried re-creating a kml. No dice. Even re-creating kml files from older logs does not work.
When opened, Google Earth pans to the general area of the planet but nothing can be seen at ground level. Nothing about the log files seems strange (and the last time I cleared everything was today before I flew 2.0.44). I regularly clear my logs after flights.